It's possible that you should take a basic HTML and CSS course before you start a company based on teaching resources related to progressive web apps...

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    pwafire.org, btw.
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    Maybe their web apps just show boobs. That would fit the definition for a different reason.
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    When mobile first becomes mobile only.

    A basic course wouldn't fix this. This needs someone to
    Actually load this on a desktop before releasing.
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    @AlgoRythm Did you mean pwadumpsterfire.org? 😉
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    But their customers are super happy
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    @Root Most definitely. My mistake.
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    1. it's not a company, it's just microsoft helping people publish pwa

    2. it's probably just someone who made that with wordpress
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    I feel like the amount of pages like that exploded over the last few months / years. Every idiot tries to sell shit they don't even understand. Just fill it up with bullshit bingo. And people even buy that crap...
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