
Anyone have the experience of building a hackintosh on their laptops?

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    @Artemix What machine did you used?
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    why would you want Mac ? get linux or windows
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    @SHA-256 want to work on iOS apps and xcode only runs on a fucking macOS. So that's the reason. And the rant is not over yet. I'm so broke that I can't buy a fancy macbook so I thought why not build a hackintosh on my Lenovo G500. Do you have any experience in it? Currently my Lenovo G500 is running Ubuntu 16 and is smooth as fuck.
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    @codvlpr Nah sorry I cant help you...I personally don't give a flying fuck about apple...and limiting their development tools to on platform is another reason...
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    @Artemix no success?
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    Did that on a HP laptop successfully but that soon kind of fucked the system's hardware pretty deep
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    @Subzero so you do have a experience but not a good one.
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    @codvlpr i used it for well over a month. Wanted to learn iOS when i was still a poor fresher. The performance was dipped in donkey shit and gradually got worse to finally fuck the system up. Although the HP machine i had was one of the Hackintosh compatible models
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    I'm working on a hackintosh pc. It's working really smooth ☺ Don't know if a laptop can be made a hackintosh tho 😥 AFAIK you have to get specific parts in it to make it work with available drivers.
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    @Subzero tell me the configurations of that machine on which you manage to build the hackintosh?
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    @sarneeh awesome. Can you please tell me the configurations of your setup?
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    I did that on an custom made PC. Took 4 days, but it is totally worth it. Benchmarks are as good as the high end iMac.
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