
My company got bought out. Supposedly a good thing... Anyone got stories?

  • 2
    I’ve been in companies that got acquired, and I’ve been in companies that acquired another, most recently I was at a place that only existed to acquire and merge companies.

    Hope you got vested shares.
  • 1
    Good thing? Depends on which country you're living in I suppose. In some countries, acquisitions often mean restructuring and laying people off...
  • 1
    If management is telling you it's a good thing, ask why (if you have a good relationship with your manager). What specific benefits will you have? If they can't answer, start polishing up your resume.
  • 0
    Mergers and aquisitions normally are real bad for all people involved except share holders and managers.
  • 0
    The office gets quieter. Not a bad thing. But also not a safe thing.
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