Been developing a website for a few months for a group of people who started a company in their spare time. Basically, everyone puts in about 5 hours a week. The two founders spent a year planning the site, creating mockups and collecting data. Site has user login, 5 main sections that all require custom programming to do what they need it to do.

After a month, the one dude is getting pissy with me because I can't get their site up any faster. I agreed to 5 hours a week, in my spare time for equity to a project that has no clear monetization plan. Sometimes my main job and paying clients eat even that time up.

To date, I've only got about 30 hours of actual dev time, and 15 hours of meetings. The first launch is in sight, but the site is a monster and has more phases to come.

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    Yeah, its like the lottery though. Or similar to the initial gold and oil prospects. We all know we may get nothing.... But maybe we might get something ;)

    Plus, titles. CTO. Haha
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