
Lets share some special technology advancements that each one of knows but our other fellow developers should know. Eg. Open AI - GPT3 (quite old though) but possibilities are endless.

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    Just for some interesting flavour, here's something I've been following for a while that's *not* AI/ML (no hate on that, but I'm sure that will have representation here anyway).

    Proof-oriented code is really cool these days, you no longer have to accept significant losses in performance / readability by people who don't write verified code. Lots of very good open source "verified code" systems and tools (Why3, F*, CompCert, lots of tools in Coq or Isabelle/HOL, concurrent separation logic frameworks like Steel or Iris etc.). Underlying those, SMT and approximate-SMT solvers are also seriously powerful these days (and open source! like Microsoft Z3). It's good enough that verified implementations have started leaking into mainstream projects, like parts of EverCrypt into Linux.

    For example: https://project-everest.github.io/
    Note that this is meant for core libraries and so on, where requiring expertise in the subject matter and a higher barrier to entry especially for cryptographic code is acceptable, and future maintainability is guaranteed by the fact that the tools generate readable C/assembly.
  • 0
    @RememberMe I’m having trouble understanding proof-oriented code. Is it basically when you analyze code to check that invariants are maintained by applying some sort of analysis technique?
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