
When client calls you next day of his website launching public to complain about his site not showing on Google results.

  • 0
    Face palm
  • 1
    always tell your customer that it takes a while for Google to index the site. And also tell you're not Google haha
  • 2
    That happened ten years ago. What I allways tell them is that only those who he gives the link will acces the website unless they do constant work on analytics and content/SEO and wait...

    My boss once told a client that she would talk with Google and arrange a good position :/
  • 0
    Yeah sure. you have to "tell" Google your website exist.

    Well that was not the smartest boss, right?
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    It is a complex question, It can't be said she wasn't smart, she built a quite big business , had her skills, but in some fields she was absolutly dumb, computers was one of this fields.
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