
Apple iPhone testing without being on the app store is so annoying, I had to sign up some people to test the app I've been working on and had issues on my end, it really is this whole security bullshit, really it isn't needed.

I couldn't get the team provisional certificate thing to show up because when I clicked the account the team certificate settings would disappear, only after right clicking and hitting help then clicking the team while it was selected could I go to the right window.

I don't see why it's so damn hard to do this crap.

Yet with Android, it's so easy.

I really have issues with the testing for this iPhone app, I went through so many different ways to try and get it to work.

Anyways all done, crashlytics is an awesome testing tool if you can get around that small issue I had.

  • 0
    Restart xcode , whenever something is not showing up 😂😂
    It works ;)
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    @tusharma12 I did plus restarting the Mac, I went as far as revoking my certificate, and it worked in the end. Though I don't think anything I did worked, what the issue was, more to do with clicking the wrong apple I'd under account->apple id I click mine, but instead needed to select the team id, which was difficult since selecting my id would hide the team id.

    Who thought this was a good idea, seriously?

    Time to play test the developer's patience, well I won in the end, just a lot of time wasted :/
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    Trust me, that's the worst part about iOS development. Compared to all the bull you have to deal with in Android development, this makes it well worth it.

    Also, if the testers can give you their device physically instead of using TestFlight, you can install the app on their phone without a provisioning profile, you just need an Apple ID (doesn't have to be part of dev program).
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    @NathanFlurry well I went with using crashlytics instead it was actually quite intuitive, I've been developing this app for months now and having this problem is such a pain. I wasn't able to go in person (no clue why it would have helped to get feedback, plus it'd just be overall nice having to see some clients use it) so I had to stay back expecting people to check their emails and use the very simple setup that crashlytics has. (I can't believe 2 people failed since it's super easy to do), apparently in the end out of 5 one guy didn't check his email, 2 people got it all done and 2 people couldn't get it to work.

    On the flip side the Android app is coming along steadily no real problems just things I'm still getting used to with Android. I had a prototype build done a couple months ago so it's easily to just implement features that work.
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