We have an API available for our customers to integrate our software with their Webshop.

A client and their developer complained because not all of the products came through. I checked the products, the validation, the parameters, the database .. everything looked fine and I was scratching my head why these articles wouldn't come through (but it did work at my end).

After some time, I checked the request logs..
Apparently it wasn't quite clear for them that a loop is required with the 'skip' and 'take' parameters to create an offset for pagination.They only synchronised the first 500 products.. everytime..

We have a limit of 500 products per batch (take) for performance reasons.

They asked if we could increase this limit, because they have "a large range of products" (not really, only 800 or so and we have clients with more than 2mil. products..) Oh pls.. I've sent them a link to the PHP manual for a basic 'while' loop..

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