Working for a major video portal in germany. Editors complaining because people are unable total find a Video because they are unable total type the correct title of the video with french accent degut. 😂😂

  • 0
    That is a weak rant.
    From my point of view it is a legit complaint.
    Search engines nowadays, have to deal with everyday colloquial language.
    The engines have to understand the request of a client in order to connect him to his provider.

    It's a shame, that you make fun of your customers, who wanna be able to spread their product to their customers.

    Boi o boi...
  • 1
    Sure, it is a valid complaint. It Just falls into the area: things we never thought about.

    Or ist it only allowed to rant about others and not about oneself? 😉
  • 1
    @scathach agree with your point, but I'm just here to say welcome to DevRant!
  • 1
    We have *major* video portals? I only ever used YouTube ._.
  • 0
    We had the same problem. Solved it with some SQL server code page collation trickery. Piece of cake. 🍰
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