devRant broke the 50000 rant barrier... that's a lot of bitchin'!

Keep on ranting!!!

  • 0
    Not quite. That id is a shared id, it's not only for rants.
  • 1
    @dfox could there be a place for some awesome DevRant statistics? Some people that have been here for a while might be interested in seeing the growth or others just like to see fun statistics :)
    (Total registered users, users active in the past 72 hours, total rants, etc)
    I would be very interested to see the sum of all +1s for everybody.
    Thinking about that while I was making a report :)
  • 3
    @Jack I agree, it's a good idea and would be very cool to show off that info. We do want to do a little research on what metrics we maybe shouldn't be revealing exactly if there are any of those. But I know sometimes apps/companies don't share certain ones so I'm curious if there is actual reasoning.

    Total # upvotes on rants/comments so far: 159,135
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