After more 3 years developing for the web I’m considering to learn Swift and Objective-C and then switch to iOS hoping to find a job which involves less multitasking (now I’m split between front-end, back-end, DevOps and other), what’s do you think about a switch like this?

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    What makes you think mobile does not have devops, and backend?
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    @magicMirror of course mobile has these things, what’s different is that here web dev is seen as a “master of all trades” and consequently treated like that while the mobile dev is mostly seen as a specialist
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    @DEVil666 I can see your point. If there's a Web team and an App team and someone needs to build a shared API it's more likely the Web team would be assigned as there's a perception that "Web devs spend more time on the server side"

    However do consider that this is specific to your company and not a general thing across the industry.

    If you were to switch to a company with a backend team and a Devops team then the Web team there would be allowed to focus on the client.

    In fact at my company we have a situation where the app team does more backend stuff than the Web team. We have a backend team handling most apis consumed by the app team and Web team. However the app team needed push notifications services in a tech that wasn't used by the backend team so they built the entire infrastructure for that on their own.
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