As a web designer/developer I hate this recent trend of very light gray text fields on forms that have a white background. I don't want to have to peer at my screen for objects. My vision is average, so why would a client want this?

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    I think its a nice solution for placeholders, but the text should be dark enough to be easily readable
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    Looking at my screen shot on my Android I can read it more easily, so perhaps my contrast is off on my monitor for some reason. I still wouldn't do this on a site though. It's not the placeholder text that I have a problem with, it's that there is almost no delineation between the input control section and the rest of the pop-up window, so the input is hard to find.
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    Looks like they couldn't decode upon a dark or light theme and just went with a shitty gray in the middle... Jesus that hurts my eyes.
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    For the record Yodiz is awesome. It just happened to be a good example of something that's been bothering me lately.
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