  • 15
    Please stop this. Im begging you, stop this madness, someone... Anyone... jAsE even....
  • 13
    That's a straight up lie, neither legally nor technically possible.
  • 6
    @lbfalvy sounds like a scam yes
  • 12
    Brb copyrighting breathing and asking for royalties from every human on earth
  • 3
    Great, I got dibs on black and white !
  • 3
    I read a great thing about NFTs and that is the truth for me now:

  • 5
    NFTs are a scam just as much as any economic bubble. no matter how much money they promise, eventually the market saturates and the bubble pops. tulip mania vibes~
  • 3
    @LotsOfCaffeine people pay for water and a lot of places forbid farming/ raising farm animals 🤷 I'm not surprised by anything at this point
  • 4
    In other words: Pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables you to sell it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to sell it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to it to someone that wants to pay for a digital signature without any intrinsic value that enables them to keep holding the bag at the end.
  • 4
    The main problem with NFT is that most usages starts with NFT and the look for something to sell it with.

    As a concept its interesting but its not creating or adding any values by it self.

    If supported by some shared organization or entity that enough people accept and respect it can be a way to probe ownership of a digital item.

    But the key part is the registry for the NFT. If that is questioned or under singular control that is not trusted, its useless.

    Bitcoin is an implementation of NFT, since every identifiable value traded is an NFT.

    But bitcoin only have a value because enough people agree that it has and trust the block chain keeping the ledger.

    But even bitcoin with all its supporters cannot enforce anything on any one not supporting it.

    Any one can at their own will refuse to accept payment in bitcoin.

    And that is the case with any NFT, the value is only in the trust people have in the ledger/register.

    So in this case, unless you get enough people and governments to acknowledge this ownership of a color, nobody is going to care ;)
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine don't forget pets and otherwise kept animals either.
    Join the elites https://thestar.com/news/world/...
  • 0
    As much as I’d like this NFT madness to stop, I’m afraid it won’t any time soon 😩

    I’ve read that in the gaming industry, most devs are sick of it, too. But managers and marketing people are pushing this shit to earn more money. So, it ends up being implemented in games no matter what.

    It will be similar in the other markets (outside of gaming).

    Fuck this!
  • 0
    "Ownership" of colors via NFT is a particularly bad idea from the technical perspective.
    Because even if someone already owns a color that I want to have, I can get a similar color which looks the same for the human eye but technically has a different code.
    So, the identity of the color is a complicated topic and because the value is based on the identity, it becomes also very complicated.

    On the other hand, the buyers might not even care about such things. Which only shows the absurdity and madness of this whole thing.
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