From a programmers perspective - Westworld is one of the best pictures ever made.

  • 5
    That and Mr robot.
    Fun fact: the attentive fanboys discovered that Westworld runs on react.
  • 0
    @samwir you got a link for that react claim? I'm intrigued
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    @josh1238 sorry, dude. Can't recall atm, but it was all over my twitter feed after one of the latest episodes had aired in the states
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    Found it on reddit, it's a screen shot of one of the host behavior terminal things with code on it
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    @sylflo all was perfect but the end, it was both expected and didn't make sense
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    Best endings rarely make sense
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    @architect not true if everything else was completely logical, and the expected part, ugh I could tell how it would end from the middle of the season..
  • 1
    I could tell how War and Peace as gonna end, that does not make it less of a masterpiece
  • 2
    @architect Actually in that series Bernard and Robert are Artists. They crafted everything. Good to be a programmer. 😉
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