lets build a stateless warehouse controll system. lol

  • 1
    What do you mean stateless?
    Do you mean the chaotic warehouse?
  • 0
    Mutable state is evil, so… I’m in!
  • 1
    @stop The most significant distinction between stateful and stateless is that stateless do not “save” data, whereas stateful applications do.
  • 1
    Sounds fun!
  • 0
    @blindXfish an state in an warehouse means that product a can only be stored in box a and even if box a is empty product b cannot be stored in box a until the warehouse is reorganized.
  • 1
    Easy solution: you never modify the warehouse. Instead, you build a new one that is exactly like the old one except for the desired state change. Then you tear the old one down.
  • 1
    In our case it means that we do not save the state and place of the boxes moving around, only dynamicaly respond to the under layers from the memory. The biggest fun is when it crashes and there is no single poit of recovery.
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