I think today makes a new record for the number of times I have muttered "What in the actual FUCK is going on with this stupid WordPress plugin/theme/database/etc.?!"

I know. I know. I chose this life. It's my own fault. Don't bother with the anti-WordPress beatdowns in the comments. I've heard every. last. one. and I'm too old and too close to retirement to want to start over again with something else.

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    Worst thing here is that its hard to debug problems
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    Can you explain what makes you think like that ?

    My senior make the same statements.

    So I am curious why is being old or close to retirement a reason to not learn something new anymore ?

    In my case, the senior does not want to let go some projects. Yet on the other hand old systems are failing, we still use pre 2000 printers just because he knows how to configure them and keeps calling technicians to fix them. To me, he is not helping the company moving forward anymore.

    Isn't that our duty until retirement ?

    My senior has still 2 years to go... I will not wait until then to get all the shit fixed.
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    @Grumm I’m 25 years into my career and it all feels pointless after so much grind. If I am going to put that kind of effort into a new thing, it will be anything else but this. Likely something in commercial aerospace, even if I’m mopping floors at SpaceX or Rocket Labs.
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