I hate when I’m telling a story about something that happened that frustrated me and then the person I’m speaking to interrupts to say “I don’t know why you’re taking it out on *me*” and I’m like “I’m not, I’m just telling you the …” “You’re shouting at me!” “I fucking WASN’T [BUT I AM NOW]” and then I can’t finish my goddamn rant and instead of getting the goddamned thing out of my system I’m just fucking frustrated and seething.

  • 2
    This is what devRant is for!
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    This happens to me alot, I just tell the person that I know they're reliving the emotions but that I won't listen if they continue to shout at me.

    50/50 on how they take it. Either way I'm not going to be yelled at so it's a win/win.

    It's not that I don't care, but I don't care about getting yelled at.
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    @sariel Ugh, maybe I should learn how to say things about which I’m annoyed without having it come across in my tone. I didn’t _feel_ like I was yelling. 🙃
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    @AmyShackles or maybe people should learn to interpret context instead of getting offended (:
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    Less yelling and more telling should fix the issue.
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