
Person 1 to me: Website C needs this update.

Me: I don’t maintain that site. I only maintain websites A and B. I don’t know who does maintenance for your site.

Person 2 to me: Website D needs this update.

Me: I only maintain websites A and B.

Person 3 to me: Website E needs this update.

Aaaahhhhh 😫😡

  • 3
    It's great being the "go to" person, until its not.

    Ive just been asked by DevOps to update node in our deployment repos, but node is running on THEIR Jenkins server. Not my problem!
  • 1
    Change your name on your communication platform to ctnqhk (only site A and B)
  • 3
    Person 1 is an NPC. He just offers all quests to all players until each quest has been accepted by someone.
  • 0
    I fall for that too often - oh, let me figure out for you who supports that. Now it’s my problem. You’d think I’d have learned by now, but nope.
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