
Oh my god my brain is hard wired to write c++ in snake case. Spent 4 years doing it. This code base uses camel case.

  • 1
    Why would you even remark that ?

    The whole camelCase vs otherCases is managed by IDE. If you write it "wrong" you just press alt + . + enter done.

    I don't even read variables names anymore.

    int Ghjgjhkasgdhgjafsdvhgasdfhagsdfgas


    int ghfgurashdgvhgdRTWEdfhgcfb

    are the same to me, aoto complet will propose the right one about 99% of cases.

    In the exception of 1%, i'll just copy paste whatever the name is used.

    Honestlly, why would you even try to name variables ?

    A1, a2,a3,a4 is the same as

    UserId, projectId, myuselessvarId, tmpVar.

    Juste use IDE. Variables names are obsoletes.
  • 3
    some things just feel so wrong. in C i open { in a new line always, but for other languages i use in the same line
  • 6
    @NoToJavaScript some of us don't use IDEs as so much of a crutch. I mean, I'm blown away by your comment, I'm not sure you're actually working in industry coz it sounds like you've never needed to maintain anything beyond the first commit.
  • 1
    @atheist I have a VERY bad eye sight. I can't read half of things on a screen.

    So yeah I use IDE (Visual studio mostly) which high lights every thing for me.

    Like double click on <whatever I can't read> it's directlly highlithen. I don't need to know on "what" variable I clicked. I can follow the usage.

    Right click => find all references

    search and replace with correct scope

    All of that are my friends and I use them A LOT.

    Just so you know, my 4K screen is zoomed in 200%. Just to be able to use web

    PS : Basiclly my debug mode : Breakpoint, find where it "bugs", then find a variable <whatevernameis>, F12 go to definition, double click highlight, just visually see where it's used

    PS2 : Add conditinal break point (BTW, there is autop complete when you add a condition, still don't need to read variable name).
  • 0
    @atheist here :) That's a wondow almost full screen. The zoom should already talk for.. well zoom

    Screen shot from windows terminal (Which supports zoom option ant Putty doesn't).
  • 4
    @NoToJavaScript variable names are obsolete?? What the heck? With all due respect, I hope we never end up at the same workplace!
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    @Olverine you would be surprised :) I find more "bizzare" names or variables than most on my team.

    It;'s just my brain process variables not as names but as thier function. I don't care how it's named, I care about why it exists and what it does.

    I will not be the one to call out typos etc, but I will be the one to call out bad design
  • 0
    Mix em...and forever be the scourge of your fellow devs.
  • 3
    @NoToJavaScript holy shit man 😄
    Meaningful variable names is one of the most important things for code readability and maintainability.

    You say that you don’t care about the name but only about what it does and why it exists.

    But the name is exactly what tells you what it does and why it exists. And it is more efficient to read the name than to click your way through the code until you understand what it means.

    How is bad eye sight even related to that? I don’t get it. If you can’t read the variable names, how can you read the rest of the code (like the literal syntax of it) to infer the meaning of the variables?
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