Freshman: hey can you check what's wrong with my code?
Me: ya of course
*Sees zero comments, no indents, all variables named a,b,c,etc.*
Me: oh would you look at the time!

  • 2
    Welcome to devRant !!!
  • 2
    I am loving the rants already
  • 2
    Great name. I feel your pain (see my latest rant for a very similar situation taken to the extreme).

    I just got handed another collection of scripts from another team today and was asked to see "if we could use them." Took less than a minute of review to give me another headache.

    I swear, I'm not some crazy gold-standard of coding best practices, but I put a lot of effort into it. It's like some people (and I happen to have received a lot of their code lately) just don't even freaking _try_.
  • 0
    I'm bad at commenting, but that's horrible
  • 3
    Kill him before he reproduces!!!!1!
  • 1
    ++ for potato code
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