The reality

  • 4
    What's stopping you from starting your own company and getting that sweet CEO pay?
  • 0
    That' 's so true.
  • 0
    @gogokun Shut up and start a company then. Stop being sorry for yourself
  • 0
    @gogokun Okay sure but I mean you can't really complain about people having more than you when you are too comfortable to try yourself
  • 0
    Make zero greater than zero.
  • 1
    @PAKA that's not really the point OP is trying to make. Also, "everyone getting CEO pay" is not some sustainable scaleable modal that'll work across the US.
  • 3
    @sleazyboi What is the point that op is trying to make? That people should get rise whenever they feel like it, regardless or their productivity? That wishful thinking should replace logic?
    You are correct that everyone getting CEO pay is not scalable, but somehow fail to see that it applies to minimum wage too.
  • 3
    @PAKA The problem with minimum wage is kind of a sad law of nature though. If what you do isn't special or unique there will be a lot of people competing with you for position which means a low wage. If what you do is very unique (like successfully leading a billion dollar company) there aren't many people able or willing to do that so you're gonna earn a whole lot more
  • -1
    @12bitfloat Why is that sad? That's something that makes me very happy
  • 1
    1000$ for 1000 employees is million dollars a month
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