Fuck Apple with two pineapples in the ass. 99€ per fucking year to tell me how the fuck should the access to my app be. I damn require users to sign up. I only need email and country. Not a single other piece of data. My app is not a goddamn catalogue or boutique. No free content, free app but each user needs to Auth themselves. You fucking telling me y pay 99€ so you decide how the access to my app should be?

Cunt Apple should rot in 10 day old humid shit and let devs be owners of their apps and hard work. Clowns.

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    Sounds a bit easy to enter as someone else or am I missing something?
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    @piratefox maybe, could be? Is plain email/password
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    @yamlbreakfast oh ok! What else do they want?
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    @piratefox this: https://developer.apple.com/app-sto...

    (v) Account Sign-In: If your app doesn’t include significant account-based features, let people use it without a login. 

    So...my app core feature is let users save stuff that we enrich with metadata. But is user's stuff. Personal stuff. Why the fuck can't you let me keep my original account required model?

    I've explained them this several times yet they insist.@piratefox
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    And it infuriates me that it is already approved in play store which is only a one time payment of 25€
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    Idk if this workaround is gonna work but, maybe add a guest mode? And a warning that their data might not be accessible from another device or if they delete the app.
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