Am I the only one who hates automatic code completion in code editors?

  • 5
    I for one won't even use an editor without auto completion anymore.

    For me, nothings beats auto completion in regards to avoiding typos, discovering functionality of an object, and overall increasing productivity.

    So what's there to hate?
  • 2
    yes, u r the only one
  • 1
    I used to hate vscode until I found this:

    "editor.autoClosingBrackets": false
  • 0
    I like auto complete but not auto closing HTML tags if you type </
  • 0
    You know ... it can be turned off
  • 1
    Yup, only you i think
  • 1
    Thank god I'm not the only one! It just gets in the way most of the time, suggesting the wrong method names and making me press enter twice for one newline.

    Actually IntelliSense is pretty baller, but shit like Notepad++'s autocomplete just pisses me off.
  • 2
    With my vim setup I have to manually hit Ctrl+N (while in insert mode) to open a simple dialog. Idk, is this something of NERDTree or just plain vim? No idea, but it works fine.

    Oh and I like auto closing tags (as long as the cursor moves _behind_ the created text). I just don't like the auto closing </meta> and </input> tags as they don't make any sense.
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