
Is it even possible to get good enough at regular expressions where you can just write it and you don't have to search stackoverflow for one that works?

  • 1
    Yes, but is there a point in becoming that good?

    Also, there are many sites that guide you in creating one (or they do it for you).
  • 2
    Yes it is...

    Grep is your friend...
  • 0
    Or perl...

    I recommend writing your own parser for something. Like a markdown parser (which is kinda easy).
  • 8
    Y[eE]s. just use an online tool like regex101. And practice. also, never try to write a regex for phone numbers. also, in case you ever decide to use regex to parse html: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...
  • 5
    step1: learn some basics [].*|^$\s
    step2: don't use a regular expression for anything more complex
  • 0
    @spacem This is easily the sanest, wisest piece of regex advice I've ever heard
  • 2
    I never search for regular expressions, I always write them on my own. They're very fun for me and I don't understand why everyone seems to think they are the hardest thing ever.
  • 1
    @Bikonja i love regex, too
  • 1
    @sirjofri ✋ high five to all my regex-loving peeps
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