I’m so fucking tired of having to work with shitty code day in and day out and not being able to optimize it. I want to quit so bad without having a job lined up… I fucking hate being a developer now thanks to these fucking pieces of shit.

  • 0
    JS OOP cluster fuck?
  • 2
    The grass isn't greener on someone else's shit pile though.

    It's just spray painted on to give a false sense of enjoyment.
  • 1
    I just got chewed out today for refactoring, I feel ya it hurts
  • 4
    Don't quit, refactor that shit. Maybe they will still keep you - and then you can work on a code base that is actually okay to work on - because you refactored it.

    If they do kick you, just go work somewhere else. Real coders aren't botchers. For real coders maintainability issues are bugs too!
  • 1
    Why are you not able to optimise it? Do you lack the skill? Are you not allowed?

    … or maybe it’s like the codebase I work with, where you kinda just have to blow the whole feature to smithereens in order to do any meaningful maintainability improvements on it?
  • 2
    I’ll be lucky if it’s even OOP. It’s all procedural bullshit. Thousands of lines in files. Totally fucked. I will get yelled at if I try to refactor anything. I want to burn it all.
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