Student intern here. My boss recently asked me to replace several if-statements with preprocessor macros.

In Python.

And apparently, he didn‘t joke.

  • 2
    It's... Technically doable...
  • 1
    I had a little mozy on Stack Overflow, this made me chuckle:

    "Is there a way? Yes. There's always a way. Should you do it? Probably not."

  • 1
    Does the python to bytecode compiler preprocess math functions at compile time if no dependencies? I don't see anything about this anywhere for python itself. But you could technically do this with a module made with C.
  • 2
    @Demolishun it does "peephole optimization", restructuring loops, calculating constants, etc. So, yes
  • 6
    Made me think of the time a teacher told me to use switch statements as per her requirements. In Python. Whilst this is technically doable through functions, she later asked me if I was familiar with switch() {} as you see on most C style languages.

    She just did not wanted to understand that Python did not have that construct. The Dean talked to her stupid ass for me so it was ok.
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