The company I work at severely limits the days we can take off, like most requests I put in will be denied. Additionally, I don't get paid that well or even get paid for time off or holidays. Obligatory: the job I work at currently is co-op, I'm still in college.

Yesterday and today I was severely burnt out so I said I was sick when I wasn't really so I could get some (unpaid) time off. It's likely that the current release we're targeting at work will be in jeopardy because of this. I feel so guilty, should I be? I really needed this time, I doubt I could have continued much longer without this.

TLDR, please help me justify not giving a shitty job my unconditional 100% and being shitty back every once in a while

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    nothing you do will result in a reactor meltdown if you don't perform 100% all the time.

    btw where do you work? here in germany, employers _have_ to provide a minimum of vacation, _and_ paid sick leave.

    (p.s.: "burn out" - overexhaustion - can be a very valid reason for sick leave. talk to your doc.)
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    At the very least you know where not to work once you graduate.
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