
Working with the Android SDK after about a decade of mostly avoiding ever having to do so directly...and fucking hell, nothing has changed.

It's still obtuse as fuck, you constantly have to provide contexts to operations which can't need them (there's only one fucking keyboard to close), and whilst they have added some new stuff which helps like Material, the APIs are just as mental, the setup just as elaborate and manual - and they don't seem to have deprecated anything along the way, so fifteen years of random software design decisions cohabit awkwardly together like the Bucket family.

I don't really mind Java, it's just long-winded C - but boy has it found its niche here. Your code is more boilerplate than not until you've written more than you'll mostly ever need to for an app.

At this point I'm just laughing when I come across another Stack Overflow solution for a trivial operation that involves writing an entire class. I would try Kotlin but this isn't a new project, and I'm not pissing another ingredient into this hot mess.

Alright, Android Studio is an improvement on Eclipse, but that's not really saying much.

  • 5
    Android development is a living hell, undoubtfully. Native Windows development is a heaven compared to it. Even web development on PHP.

    The problem with android development is, everything moves too fast. The way you are supposed to do thing changes too fast. It's like, every change of manager, changes the way they do things either.

    How are we supposed to perform CRUD operation on locally stored database? The method changes every year! How are we supposed to build navigation? The damned method changes every year!!!

    When it comes to native Windows app, Entity Framework stays consistent ever since it's creation, only more mature.
  • 4
    @daniel-wu this is just it, I'm finding tutorials/answers which advocate completely different things and they're only like a year apart. I feel a bit better about it today, sleeping on it helped - but fucking hell, compared to any other workflow this is insane.
  • 1
    I'll also add the the internal structure looks like MyFirstUniProject_FINAL - seriously just type 'ViewPager' and you can choose between ViewPager and ViewPager2...in the standard fucking SDK. You won't find any docs on 2 but surely it's more advanced than 1? What to do? Good luck schmuck!
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