
been working on this docker thing for 2 weeks. 3 containers each running a different aervice (mariadb, nginx, wordpress) using debian as the base image (not the app image itself). Got all the configs down, all the dockerfiles down, the docker-compose yml down. Run docker-compose up, everything goes up all nice without errors.

Try to access the wordpress website. Only reachable from localhost, no atyling is served, all redirections fail… because it can’t find the local domain it is supposed to bind to. Tried editing the hosts file, didn’t worked. 3 days of googling, havent been able to find a fix. I don’t know what am I supposed to hate anymore. Is it nginx ? is it wordpress ? is it just the host machine’s dns/hosts config ? is it docker ? myself ?

I swear theres nobody in this world who wakes up one morning and happily cracks their knuckles to go write some dockerfiles.

  • 0
    You have to configure the actual IP address in Wordpress, as opposed to localhost or You can query the options as follows:

    SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` IN ('siteurl', 'home')
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