I'm just FUCKING DONE. Everyone around me looks at me like a fucking paycheck they either don't want to pay me or like one they want from me but that I can't make enough of. Every time I open my stupid cakehole something stupid flies out of it that offends someone or makes me look incompetent or sets me back somehow. I'm not suicidal but I don't want to be on this planet anymore. I'm stranded here with nobody who wants to hire me and people around me who are tapping their feet waiting for people to hire me. I have nothing in my bank accounts to cover enormous and increasing monthly expenses coming up on the horizon and no way to pay for them. I have a stupid president who just keeps making it worse and worse with every stupid thing that comes out of his geriatric mouth or that he signs with his shaking dementia-ridden hand. He just keeps taxing me and taxing me and now has an army the size of the FUCKING NATIONAL GUARD of IRS agents ready to FUCK ME UP THE ASS if I have just one business expense out of order. I have all of this responsibility for my family and none of the power to do anything for them. And now that most of my kids are adults, none of them can afford to move out for the long-term future and also they're not able to get much money to help out so it's still incumbent on me to carry them until they're like FUCKING 35 YEARS OLD OR SOMETHING! The wife is pretty much sick of me and my shitty attitude about it all and she says she thinks that I think it's all her fault. We don't have any kind of romantic relationship anymore (well, I have all the interest and she has all the avoidance).

Also, I'm a man, and white, and straight, and "privileged" (oh, so privileged) so I'm the _worst person on the planet_.

I was born on this earth to be a FUCKING WARNING, not the lesson. When that meteor comes, let it take me out first.

  • 4
    "You will own nothing and be happy." or something like that. Yeah, I am excited for the new gestapo.
  • 4
    Also note, some of the IRS agent employment advertisements are looking for people willing to take a life with a fire arm.
  • 3
    Unless I am completely off the mark I gather you're in the U.S?

    I thought software engineers were paid pretty reasonably over there and the demand was high (and not only in the Bay area).
  • 2
    @devdiddydog Except I'm older, stupider, and have progressively begun to suck at my job. I don't have the stomach to learn more and more only to have my brain forget it in 30 days after not having a chance to use it.

    Again, I'm not suicidal. But if a bus were to happen to hit me tomorrow and killed me, I would not complain. So done.
  • 3
    @stackodev You have to find the spark again, my friend!

    Find a cruisy job in state or government where the pace is low and knowledge of older technologies is still in demand.

    I pay attention to the job market since I work as a self-employed consultant, and it seems like there's a continous stream of jobs of all sorts. Want the high pace, green field bleeding edge start-up type rat race with no perks, no spare time or proper salary? There are plenty of those. Want low pace, older or ancient technology where your colleagues don't cry if they can't get their daily organic sustainably grown mocca soy latte in a cup made out of bamboo and recycled newspapers? There are actually plenty of those too.

    Change your job! 👍
  • 0
    @devdiddydog in India, there are age limits to government job applications. For example, they will not hire you if you are older than 32 years in some of the states in India. If his children Are all adults, Denise highly unlikely that he has that option open.

    I think there are similar limits all over the world including in the United States.

    I am only concerned because I am probably approaching that stage in my life.
  • 0
    @nanobot Really? 32 years old? How do they justify setting the limit that low?
  • 0
  • 0
    @nanobot @devdiddydog but mostly they don’t justify at all. They say “Jai Shri Ram” (God that the majority follows is great) and everyone votes for them.
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