
When I explain Silicon Valley's jokes to my bf

  • 4
    As a programmer, I still don't get what the fuss is about. Only that my co-dev said he would quit if I didn't switch to spaces.
  • 2
    @Cyanite fuck them tabs all the way!
  • 0
    @owithg what's the problem?
  • 2
    Tabs suck, that's the problem!
  • 1
    @Cyanite partially being dramatic, and I find taps easier. :)
  • 1
    I just dislike hm then because every time I open a tabbed file it looks shut (because I am just too lazy to tell my editor to use 2 spaces for a tab instead of 2)
  • 5
    @SirWindfield what is easier, changing that setting or pushing delete an extra 85 times every time you delete a line? Spaces are dumb-tarded
  • 1
    Spaces. Because I ain't have to configure them.
  • 1
    Damn holy wars, if u r using an IDE it will convert your tabs to spaces (4 by default) if you are using vim only configure your .vimrc with one friking line, that way you don't have to type 4*$identLevel more characters.
  • 4
    Btw this is the first rant I see with no upvotes in the comments
  • 1
    I seriously don't understand why anyone would waste time pressing space when one tap of tab does it all for you, especially (as already mentioned) most text editors and IDE's will convert it for you​.

    Please explain this fucking madness to me.
  • 0
    I used to be a big advocate for tabs and rant on people for using spaces. But if you're not head of the development then shut your face and follow the already established coding style.
  • 4
    Wait What? space-people actually press the space bar? I thought the discussion was about if the tabs get replaced by 4 spaces or not.
  • 2
    @Double-A That... can't... no... noooo AHHHHHHHHH!!
  • 1
    @ninjatini to be fair: there's Ctrl+Backspace to remove all leading whitespace at once

    The only difference between tabs and spaces today is: tabs require less keystrokes, do the same, are more flexible and therefore better
  • 0
    I use spaces (not by choice...) and my editor just replaces my tabs with spaces. I can't even tell I'm using spaces.
  • 0
    Read my last comment aswell :P
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