
I identified the need for a product akin to an ORM that maps an algebraic type system such as that of Rust to a key-value database (my situation dictates lmdb but I'd like to abstract away the store). Can you recommend prior art for me to research?

  • 2
    Can it be simple? Serde + shitting the resulting json into a file

    More complex? You could try Persy or Sled and build a small wrapper around the necessary traits to use an enum as a key (if that is what you're asking?)
  • 0
    @12bitfloat Will check them out thanks,

    I need to be able to define a persistent ordered collection within the system that can be indexed or appended to without ever moving the whole sequence into memory, so JSON dumps are a no-gp
  • 2
    @lbfalvy What do you mean by never moved? Doesn't that require an append only store that can never shrink?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat It basically requires being able to store a sequence's elements in prefixed, distinct keys. This requires that the sequence type be able to dynamically request new keys prefixed with its own key as the size grows.
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