
If I spend 50% of my time in meetings, 30% of my time doing things for support/helpdesk which I'm not allowed to automate, 10% as a technical consult and 10% helping other devs... am I even a developer anymore?

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    Nope. Dev in name only. Talk to the bosses and make time to do some dev work.
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    @hube true enough! But the second 100% is put of work hours and is my hobby!
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    @magicMirror yeah I'm working on it. Trouble is I've ended up with the responsibility of maintaining environments without any training or authority to optimise/automate the process
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    @booshi I feel for you we had a few staff members leave and their responsibilities have fallen to me. I'm going to leave to get the fuck out as management have done nothing to remedy the issue.
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    Just nod and automate anyway.
    Did so myself in a past job.
    Best decision until that of quitting :D
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