
With all this fuckery around master/main nameing, I wonder what all those people, who are for the renaming, think of the SPI-Bus.
Its pinout is normally:
SCK: Clock line
MOSI: Master out slave In
MISO: Master in slave out
SS/CS: Slave or chip select

  • 2
    Me too seriously doesn't get the fuss. If you have slaves, you obviously are a master and not just a "main". You can have a main wife if you prefer one over the others - but better not make her a master of any sort lest she forgets who is her master.
  • 2
    Don't give them ideas :c
  • 6
    From Wikipedia:

    Controller/peripheral: in June 2020, the Open Source Hardware Association resolved to discontinue terms such as MOSI/MISO used for the SPI bus, instead opting for the acronyms COPI/CIPO, though this group is not the owner of the SPI bus specification.[20]
  • 4
  • 2
    I don't necessity see it a bad thing that the naming is less abstract and more concrete.
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