

IDE or text editors ?
I tbh use notepad++ to work on text files and encrypted files for passwords lol

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    I use VScode which is a bit of both depending on your addons. Stock, it's only a slight upgrade over Notepad, but sexier.

    I use to just use Notepad. Then I used Notepad++ for a few years while I worked with Python.
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    @Cyanite VScode ftw :D
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    @Cyanite I've been hearing more & more about VS Code, gotta give it a try I guess.
    Everybody likes sexy after all lol , oh wait hope I don't trigger anyone Lol 😂
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    It depends... for Java I prefer an IDE, but for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, or Ruby it is not needed. I can even code in the paper and then scan the paper and use some software to get what is written and turn into a file.
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    Depends on the language and scope of the project.
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    You'll either absolutely love it, or absolutely hate it. Pretty much a coin flip.

    It has an integrated app store. You'll need to install language support for whatever language(s) you plan on working in. Like I said, stock VScode is barely an upgrade over Windows Notepad. Where it really shines is it's simplistic design and app store. Apps are made by the users, not Microsoft (so they're actually worth a damn) and the editor is free and portable.
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    I use a text editor for Java. Then again, I'm weird and I prefer to compile from the command line using javac.
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    @Cyanite I understand you, I used to use sometimes too, but the imports, it is not cool to write the imports. I mean, using Spring for example. But for simples algorithms it is okay.
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    @Cyanite that sounds awesome! Good Stuff 🤓
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    True, notepad++ is enough for these lightweight languages.

    I can't imagine doing JavaFX with it though, all about using right tool for the right task 👍
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    IDE for android and java, vim for python/everything else.
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    The imports are really annoying.
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    Some text editors are more powerful than most IDEs as well, they just are not able to compile (VScode for example, or maybe i'm just fangirling..) thats why I use the terminal.
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    I prefer Atom
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    I use sublime text for everything :/ maybe my projects aren't so complicated that I need an IDE.
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    As a hardcore user of both Vim and Emacs, as someone who uses Ranger as a file manager and Canto as an RSS reader...

    ...I still fire up IntelliJ, PyCharm and PHPStorm.

    Vim is fucking awesome for writing quickly, but when it's not about WPM and but about coding correctly, the IDE often wins through smart completions and context awareness.

    Telling Vim to understand some magic Laravel methods in a Blade template, or detect errors in a postgres-query inside a Rust file... I don't really have time to configure 5 vimscript extensions and figure out why one of them doesn't work.
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    Who the fuck uses text editors. I ONLY use terminal. I just echo out to file. I can't believe there are so many pussies out there using bloody text editors. Real developers only use terminal and I'm not talking vim either.
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    depends on what you're doing TBH, some languages / frameworks requires code gen...

    I use vim exclusively but only because my laptop was too slow to even run an IDE 10 years ago.
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    No Microsoft for me so it is Jetbrains
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    I'm a sublime kind of guy.
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    I can't live without the JetBrains IDE selection anymore, it made me leave Atom
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    @oscarascal JetBrains is good too
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