Recruiter: "Take this culture survey. It's not a test. There are no right or wrong answers."

Me, internal voice: Then why give me a list of words to choose from that I think describe me best and another list of words to choose from that describe how I ought to behave at work? Clearly, there's a matchup you're trying to do here. So clearly there's going to be a wrong answer if I don't choose enough of the former to match the latter.

  • 18
    This is an insane consultent crap.
    "Here is a list of 290 words. Randomly ordered. chose 20 that best describe our company! No wrong answers!"
    Typical overworked dev response:
    chose 20 in random. Have actual work to do.
    2 weeks later, at the All Hands Call:
    "This is the survey results that we paid consultent 100k$ for: random 20 positive word list. And here is a different list of 20 words, where we want to be!"
    overworked dev: 🙄 ffs. I. Have. Actual. Work. To. Do!
  • 8
    @magicMirror Don't forget that they pay you to take the test - so take your time...
  • 1
    Can you script the survey to pick 20 random() items :)
  • 0
    @knuppelsmurf It was a company recruiter surveying candidates for hire. I don’t work there so no.
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