C# question. Most tutorials show code first to create the database. I see how this works when there is one app and one database but I am used to databases being used by multiple apps and reports. I can't convince people that having an app be an app and also design the code is a problem except for the most simple environment. I must be wrong so someone please explain.

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    I think this is really an EF question rather than C#, but I'm really just responding to see what others have to say.
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    It is an architecture question. How maintainable is code first entity migrations once other apps under development start to use it?
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    If you have one data layer project, the other solutions can share it. I, personally, don't like code first. I also prefer dapper dot net over EF. :)
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    I don't like it either but I can't convince others that it is a bad idea. No one I am currently working with has worked in a production environment were data is crucial and is already being used by several app, database jobs, reports.
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    Sorry for all the mispells
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