
Your thoughts about Brave browser?
Have heard praises about it, but not sure I buy all of that.

  • 6
    What they tell you:
    It removes ads, if gives you crypto...

    What they don't tell you:
    It's puts its own ads in instead.
    It pays you, to see its own ads.

    If you're an easy fool, braves for you 😏
    If you take on an anti-ad stance, it's just another google waiting to happen.
  • 1
    @C0D4 what adds does it show during browsing?
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    @C0D4 i don't see any ads, maybe I disabled them somehow? I'm not using any ad blockers
  • 7
    Just turn off all the crypto and reward crap and it's fine
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    @Lucky-Loek also brave has a built in Tor and ipfs
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    What do Brave Ads look like?
    A sleek background image on a new browser tab. A card in your Brave News feed. Or a small push notification
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    @C0D4 I've been using brave for months on my laptop. I've got a firefox fork on my desktop. I can confirm a few things about brave rewards:

    They pay you in crypto (BAT). Push notifications were used (you could switch how many you'd see in a day. At most, I saw 5). You clicked to see the ad and get the BAT reward. This seems to have been silently phased out.

    The new tab page is the only space where I see ads nowadays. It's usually shilling NFTs or some obscure crypto. You don't need to click on anything there to get the rewards.

    The Brave News Feed is kind of "activated" when you scroll down in the new tab page. It's hidden by default (found it by accident).

    Brave does a decent job at blocking ads by default otherwise.
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    @C0D4 i think that is optional?
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    @aviophile optional doesn't change things. it's blocking all other provider ads (good thing) for its own (total dick move) 🤷‍♂️

    As I said earlier, you either have an anti-ad stance, or you don't.
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    @iii to use tor it's better to use the tor browser as it is intended
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    @meleak depends
  • 2
    @C0D4 but the dick move is optional. You can have a totally adless experience. It is a good thing in my book.

    Only siths deal in absolutes.
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    @aviophile we could nick pick for hours on dick moves.😎

    And that's Darth @C0D4 to you, my young apprentice.
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    An example of the kind of ads you might see on Brave: getting this as the background in the newtab page. I think it's something about an NFT racing game with dogs that have rockets strapped on their backs.

    The concept is so ludicrous it feels like it came out of an AI.
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