I just started learning Kotlin for a week or two and suddenly Google announced Kotlin will be officially supported for Android development.

I'm excited.

  • 2
    Next time u r going to learn something plz choose something easy, u never know who will announce support for it 😂
  • 0
    Lol, was the very same for me ^^

    Guess I'll now actually start making mobile apps (and maybe get some jobs in my area, because everything else here is just webdev...)
  • 2
    Been on the fence for learning Kotlin. This just pushed me over. Glad people are excited for this!
  • 1
    @maximus027 +1 for you nd welcome to devRant
  • 2
    @singh Thanks! Glad to be here.
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme same here mostly web then mobile, guess have to learn web to gain an advantage
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