
Important thing I learned is not to listen to devs who suggest to learn a framework because its pointless

If i ask should i learn react or angular, some will say angular some react, and both have valid arguments why

When i branch to react and ask if i should learn nextjs or nuxtjs the same thing will happen

No matter if the arguments are valid or not people will prefer a framework they have been biased towards

All frameworks have cons and pros there is no such thing as "the one" perfect framework

No matter how framework is good people will always find a reason to take a shit on it

So from now i wont ask IF i should learn framework X, I'll ask for the order in which to learn it

For example i Know i want to learn A for whatever reason, should i first learn framework B or C?

I dont need your subjective opinion to tell me how B or C sucks and i should do D instead of A

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    I can't help but wonder how many devs waste their time pondering over decisions like these ... Only to realise it doesn't matter in the long run
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    Always thought nuxtjs was a typo lmfao
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    I'll just learn whatever gives me money
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    I agree with the gist.

    But I don't see how your question "I want to learn framework A - should I learn B or C first?" will help in any way. Not entirely sure why would need B or C before learning A...and either way that question will give you similar responses; fans of B will vore for B.

    And from my own experience us devs are terrible at suggestion paths for learning. Given two people who learned C++ first and then Python, it just feels random if they suggest taking the same journey or not.
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