
Why does anybody need me on-site? Seriously, do they even understand how any of this works? If only there was a magical web like network that would connect all our computers.

  • 6
    I had this one client who wanted me to do on site QA bug fixes with them over my shoulder telling me what to fix. when I declined they wanted to do a live go to meeting for bug fixes where I fix as they QA. I introduced them to this wonderful thing called "email" where they can send me what they need done
  • 2
    At least here in Spain I feel they want you there couse they think communication will be easier and they want to check you are really working.
  • 4
    I am surprised telecommuting is not more widely embraced at this point in time. Technology advances and communication tools enable working remotely for development and many business processes previously required to be onsite. Some advantages include reduced real estate requirements, utilities, employee productivity goes up, environmental advantages due to less travel and employee recruiting advantages. From business continuity aspect companies are more resilient with a distributed workforce.
  • 5
    my first job out of college, I was a web developer and the owners of the company said we don't have the technology to work from home. then asked us to setup the at home reps...
  • 1
    You have to think about it though as nice as it is to work from home there will always be that psychological effect of being on site, specially if you have other developers working under you.
  • 0
    @alancaleum - that is true
  • 0
    true, but this was while there was no heat in the office during winter.
  • 0
    yeah fuck that, we once had a gas leak and were not allowed to leave '-_-
  • 0
    Not even working on the file system, I am doing straight up content entry right now. I can do that from a hammock in my backyard while chain smoking like a fool.
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