The other month i went into work, excited to actually get something done. On top of that it was yearly bonus day. Quick check on adp to see the bonus and nothing there. Email my boss and ask whats up. Ten minutes later i am unemployed after two years because of a cultural fit. No warnings, nothing bd said about my work, made all the deadlines. Guess they didnt want to say budget cut. Haven't replaced me yet.

  • 1
    That really sucks. Good luck finding a new job.
  • 1
    Seriously, you don't want to work for a place like that anyway. That's pretty crappy. Then again, I'm probably spoiled. lol
  • 0
    "cultural fit".. so am I right in saying that they thought your race/culture was unfavorable or something? If so, that's bs.
  • 0
    @DavidINC cultural fit has nothing to do with race or ethnic culture. It's a reference to the company's corporate culture. For example, where I work, it's very relaxed, so if you continually come to work in business attire, and you never participate in team activities, and never ask for or give help, then you are not a match for our corporate culture, and you'd be better off working somewhere else. For @muaddib1970, I would have asked how I'm not fitting in, and what do I need to do to change? Then again, they may just have wanted to downsize and used that as a reason, but that's pretty crappy, and not a good practice, and says a lot about a company's lack of integrity.
  • 0
    @iAmNaN ah, ok, I misinterpreted it. Thanks for explaining it!
  • 1
    @iamnan yeah it was pretty much downsizing, as I've learned afterwards. Taking it as a blessing in disguise.
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