
Yahoo finance shut down all their historic data uRL and im out of options. No API or packeges works. I have a report to pass up on tuesday for my ViVa and this is shit. Fuck. My months of work just wasted.

  • 2
    Pretty sure they didn't just flipped the switch but announced it for some time..
  • 0
    @Kimmax they really didnt announce anything. At first i also thought that maybe i didnt get he news but when i googled the problem. Alot of people have been having the same problem. Apparently, they did just flipped the switch
  • 1
    Historical screenshots of it in action may help your case.
    Things like this cannot always be foreseen, so contingency plans should be in place.
  • 0
    Still......that sucks......in all the worst ways.

    Found any alternative sources for the data @aimome ?
  • 2
    Lools like you are right
    Shame on them
  • 0
    @soulkicks havent found any yet. All the API are also been restricted from the data
  • 0
    Yahoo finance API is not available anymore. I have moved to MarketXLS after this change, much more reliable data.
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