I finally convinced my customer to move from WordPress to something else... Elixir? Nodejs? I'm not sure yet but I feel awesome!

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    How do wordpress and nodejs compare? :)
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    WordPress is mostly used for blogging, will u do it on nodejs?
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    What is fun about that picture is how the cat is looking ninja, but in fact he was just a dumbass who fell from the table.

    Not unlike how most software is described to customers :P
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    Wait... you've convinced your customer to change from something I assume was already working to some completely unknown solution? Well, that's going to be a completely painless transition - I can tell that right now! /s
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    @CrankyOldDev the customer wants to move his news website to a new ui and implement a bunch of new features.
    The actual solution is a big ball of mud. There is no tests, no well defined architecture, etc etc... Every change breaks something else... I'm the 3th developer hired to put order in this house, the last two one were supposed to be "wordpress experts" but a lot of bad things like this have been happening all the time..
    Well, it is "already working"... I don't think so.
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    Furthermore, rewrite a software in another technology is not a big problem.
    A Thousand of companies started using a technology and did a rewrite after for many reasons... It is not the end of the world. Tech evolves quickly, if you don't change you simply disappear.
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    @codesculptor OK - so if they were wanting to change it anyway, that's different. From reading it first time, I thought you had just talked them out of WP. I still think saying to someone "Drop your existing technology, we'll rebuild in this as-yet-undefined alternative" is dangerous. I doubt your client will have the technical know-how to truly understand the magnitude of learning and using a new system. I'm not against the idea - don't get me wrong - I'd just prefer a bit more direction myself.
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