
How can I run python in sublime?

Thanks :)

  • 2
    Save the file in subl with .py Ext and the open terminal find where DD you save . And write python file.py
  • 3
    Not at all

    Sublime Text is an editor, not a Python interpreter
  • 1
    True. But it can run a programm as well. I saw it somewhere, i tried to do it. It worked, but i was unable to use input..
  • 1
    @freshlyfe would be easier to use pyCharm than. But thans :)
  • 0
    @ziga idk man , but if there is sublime which can run it inside like ide just google how to set it up
  • 2
    @ziga there sure is a Python dev plugin, just search around a bit
  • 2
    Anaconda will let you run python from Sublime 3.
  • 0
    I think in the menu there is build with option, then if you are using Windows you need to set up system environment so you can run python from command line directly. After all that you can go ahead and build, the default key binding is ctrl b I think. Good luck.
  • 1
    @iAmNaN I shall try that!
    Thank you all guys.
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