Inside Linux kernel

  • 2
    That's very insightful!
  • 13
    That is wrong on so many levels...
  • 4
    I'm not getting it. I feel like the author just threw a bunch of spare concepts on the drawing but didn't actually connect them, or at least I fail to see how they're connected
  • 3
    Needs more Tux.
  • 8
    Ssh? Httpd? Wine? Filesystem?

    Pretty sure those are all not in the kernel.
  • 4
    Maybe it's not technically correct but it made me laugh and that's enough 👍
  • 2
    @ecv80 That's exactly what it is. "here's a pipe. Here's a watchdog. Now laugh!"
  • 2
    Looks like..... Club Penguin 😳
  • 1
    The good thing is no windows inside.
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