Because controlling your AC with your IR cell phone requires getting the phone number of my friend Robert?

  • 33
    Its a fallback, if the IR fails it will call robert and have him come over and change the AC manually.
  • 18
    The app also asked for camera permissions. I guess Robert only works once he sees my nudes
  • 13
    Heeeey! My friend must have the same app to control his pc cause when something goes wrong he calls me!
  • 0
    Guess there is a call us for Support Button...
  • 0
    @J4s0n Sry my bad thought about phone access
  • 1
    If you tell the app what the manufacturer of your AC is, it's only fair that Robert should also know
  • 1
    i just started android dev for couple of months. wrote a Bluetooth low energy app i had to request not only Bluetooth permission but also coarse/fine location. so my app needs location on or it won't work even though​ i never use it. thanks google :)
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