You would think that by now designers would realize that when they are designing a web page at a width of 1600px that it is going to look significantly different on a really large screen...

  • 0
    What width are you using when you design a website on photoshop ?
  • 1
    I'm not...designer used 1200
  • 0
    You will find infinite variations of dumb client requests depending on his screen res
  • 0
    It's not the client, it's the design...and in theory it all works but it's just a bitch to make responsive
  • 0
    When I design a site or app I try to always design it as "components" not pages, and I always use a grid in the PSD, that way I can show the client how it will lay out on different size screens...
  • 1
    1600 is a fine break point, as long as they also designed 1200, and 960, and 768 and 320... fyi designing responsive is annoying for all parties
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