You know @otokolo reminded me of a gripe of mine regarding a doomsday fallback

Why has no one taken advantage of the considerable reduction in physical space required for storage and put a copy of Linux on ROM on a motherboard loaded with compilers and an ide ? Also why are these people so weird and cyclic? Was not originally that way and I don't remember enough up front to avoid it.

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    "Why has no one taken advantage of the considerable reduction in physical space required for storage and put a copy of Linux on ROM on a motherboard loaded with compilers and an ide"

    counter question: why WOULD anyone want to do this?
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    @AvatarOfKaine could you restrict your "counter questions" to stuff that's even marginally relevant to the original topic? (and to answer your "counter question": because that's what your insanity makes you believe happened.)

    also: how is that in any way a "doonsday fallback", and follow-up question: how is that in any way a _better_ fallback than just storing your copy of linux on $StorageDeviceOfYourChoice?
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    @tosensei imagine you don't have acess to a uncompromised storage device like a USB drive or DVD
    No internet connection
    Your os Bombs
    What do you do ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine exactly the same question applies to your idea. (except for the case that your motherbords rom is preloaded by TheVeryTrustworthManufacturer(tm))
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    @tosensei we'll see that catch 22 Applies to apple and Microsoft as well
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