
How are Macs preferred for web dev? You can't even easily switch between chrome and the inspector tab.

  • 14
    You get safari, which is the new Internet Explorer.
    So you can check that everything works on the worst browser among the popular ones.
  • 14
    You also get to hang out at Starbucks and pretend to be hip, which is the main use case for Macs in the first place.
  • 5
    "How are Macs preferred for web dev?" - they aren't. not by developers, at least.

    if at all, then by "designers" and "UX architects" and other non-constructive professions.
  • 2
    Because macs are better than windows, but not better than linux. But companies are likelier to provide you with a mac than a linux machine
  • 2
    I always tell employers to give me a good pc workstation, and the amount they save for not buying crapple in cash 😂
  • 1
    Because devs are retarded
  • 1
    Safari is the new horror after IE. Slow web technology adoption, and poor performance.
  • 1
    @jonas-w That's the answer. I would sell my soul to be allowed to use a Linux system at work, but a Mac is as close as I can get. It's definitely better than Windows by far.
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